Sunday, July 7, 2013

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Math 10: Radical!

Radical signs, square roots, perfect squares and cubes, and a hella lot of division.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Math 10: GCF and LCM

Factor trees, factor trees everywhere
Also another review.

Math 10: Numbersssss

Workbook from my summer school
The very first lesson of "Grade Ten and Up" is... numbers.
Simple, huh? 1 is a real number, -2 is an integer, 8.4568751235486532541... is an irrational number.

I'm pretty sure you've reviewed this even before 10th grade, but here we go again.

First Day of Summer School!

Hi, so as you can tell from the title, I had my first day of summer school today.
I'm taking a completion course for Math 10, so yay for doing math all day for the next six weeks! orz

Anyways, if you're thinking of taking summer school in the future, make sure you bring the following:
-Photo identification
-Your current report card that shows that you have completed the requirement course (EX) If you're taking Science 10, bring your report card that has Science 9 on it)
-Stationary (pencil, pen, eraser, etc.)
-Paper for taking notes
-Binder to keep all your papers
-Water bottle
-Money (To pay for a workbook. My workbook was 25 dollars, but it might vary)

Note that if you're comfortable with not being able to drink water freely for 3 hours, per say, you don't have to bring a water bottle. Just do as you wish, but make sure you bring the other items.

Have fun at summer school!
As Akutsu-sensei says, "You don't need to study; you want to study", or something along those lines.


Monday, July 1, 2013


Hi, guys, my name is Lina, and I am going to be in grade 10 in September.
I created this blog so that make notes for each subject, so that when exam week hits, I'll be prepared since I will have all my notes neatly on here.
Not only that, you guys can contribute, fix some mistakes, and teach others on this site.
Welcome to Grade Ten and Up, and I hope this will be a new learning experience for you.